Thursday, July 30, 2009

How To Report Income Tax Fraud

Income tax frauds are generally categorized into two types -- Adsl Firewall Router income tax fraud dsl modem rental business income tax fraud. In the case of business income tax frauds, the owner of the hp streamyx promo may use his corporate credit card for expenses related to his family; like paying for family vacations; and then reporting these expenses as valid business related expenses and deducting the same from taxable income.

In case of personal income tax frauds Telekom person, although living in a place in the US does not pay the city's resident personal income tax as he/she may own a summer house at a different place that is used as his/hers tax filing address. Also there are some cases where someone has filed a tax return by using the social security streamyx rm66 of some other individual. Such serious fraudulent cases have to be reported to the IRS with the help of the guidelines given below:

To report an individual or a company not complying with the tax laws, you can download Form 3949-A from the IRS website. The form has to be filled and sent by US mail service to the IRS. On the other compare broadband providers you can also report an income tax fraud by writing a letter to the IRS. However, when you write a letter, you need to be very precise with the information you furnish. You would be required to give the following information in the letter:

?Name and address of the person committing income tax fraud

?The social security number of the person

?A brief description of the fraudulent activity or violation

?An estimate of the amount involved in the tax fraud

?Your name, address and telephone number.

This information is usually kept confidential and is not revealed at any time whatsoever.

About Author: Pauline Go is an online leading expert in finance industry. dial up internet also offers top quality finance tips like:
Best Way To Invest In Sector Funds, What Is Taxable Interest? and Federal Credit Union & Financial Services

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